Adjuster Round Table Series: Vol. 1
February 22, 2025

round tableOur “Star Adjuster” series is going great and we are extremely excited and newly educated after talking to some of our adjusters. We can’t wait to see what else is in store for us, so be sure to keep submitting your nominations!

As part of the “Year of the Adjuster” we are going to feature posts inspired from our roundtable discussions we have had with a group of adjusters. These conversations gave them the chance to speak to us and to each other at a more in-depth level so we can further understand what goes on in the world of adjusters. Keep a look out for our continued posts of the roundtable discussion and one-on-one interviews so we can truly make this the Year of the Adjuster!

Our group comes to us from AMERISAFE, a specialty provider for small to mid-sized employers in hazardous industries in over 30 jurisdictions. They utilize Field Case Managers, who carry low claims workloads in order to spend more time with employers and their injured workers, facilitating prompt resolution of claims. Our four adjusters are in different jurisdictions and have different responsibilities, but we still see a similarity in the way they spend their time and what they think is important about their job.

Our first post begins with a simple yet revealing question…

Can you tell us about a typical day?

Anna: A typical day here is a little bit unlike other companies because we go out on the road to meet with our injured workers and do a lot of field work and investigations.

Nancy: I am a supervisor, so two other people work under me and then I have my own caseload which is smaller than a FCM’s (field case manager) caseload. My typical day is starting off with emails and tickles. I have my own caseload but I’m also looking at the girls under me to respond to their requests and give them guidance.

Tabetha: If I’m in the field, I’m doing investigations-whether it’s recorded statements with the injured workers or the insureds or doing a scene investigation. When I’m in the office, it’s the normal routine day for most work comp adjusters: reviewing medical documents, scheduling appointments, or directing medical care.

Anna: We have a lower case count.

Karen: I’m the senior field case manager in the state of Virginia and I have a staff of six. So my days are pretty much massive hysteria! (laughs) Because my staff is mostly comprised of adjusters that are new to the workers’ comp industry or are new to the unique approach AMERISAFE has with regard to the handling of claims where we go out and meet with the doctors and do the in-person visits, I spend a lot of my time coaching, giving advice, reviewing claims and basically what everybody else has mentioned. It’s pretty much a full-time job and then some!

Nancy: There’s lots of phone work!

Anna: I worked with a TPA for seven years prior to AMERISAFE so I’ve had the opportunity to see both sides of claims handling. I enjoyed working there, but the way we do things here are just much different.

Karen: I worked at a liability company prior to coming to work for AMERISAFE. I thought that doing workers’ comp was going to be mundane and maybe boring, you know, just not a lot going on, coming from the liability background. But I discovered that the workers’ compensation claimants can be just as creative with some of their alleged injuries (laughter) as the people in the liability cases. So, it’s definitely not boring at all!

These ladies obviously have a lot to say and we are excited to hear their opinions on some other pressing issues in the life of claims adjusters!

Tell us about your day! Do you experience something different? Get in the conversation yourself at our LinkedIn page and share what’s on your mind!

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