APS Empowers Adjusters, Improves Your Bottom Line
March 24, 2025

Since the announcement of our rebranding from Acrometis to Adaptive Processing Solutions (APS) on October 3, we’ve experienced one of the most exciting and eventful months in our company’s one-decade-plus evolution. If you missed our rebranding announcement last month, you can read about it here.

We recently got back from the National Worker’s Compensation and Disability Conference at the beautiful Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. It was a great show, and we created a nice buzz with our new booth and received a tremendous amount of positive feedback on our new name. Once again, we took advantage of the opportunity to discuss with current and future clients and industry colleagues why, as the APS tagline says, we are THE experts in casualty claim management.

As we reminded our industry peers in Las Vegas, we may have a new name, but our founding mission to reduce the cost of risk for our clients remains the same. APS automates the entire medical bill cycle with a fully integrated, paper-to-electronic, and eBill solution. Our clients see substantial reductions in loss and LAE, reductions in claims costs, and compliance penalties. Since we auto-adjudicate most incoming documents, adjuster effectiveness is optimized, while we maximize network penetration and vendor transparency.

Key APS benefits include:

  • Scanning, imaging, and full data capture
  • Documents indexed throughout the claims process
  • Rule sets applied to 190+ document types
  • Auto-adjudicates incoming documents with no adjuster intervention
  • Adjuster efficiency and productivity increased by up to 40%
  • Adjusters can focus on more complex claims, and keep them on track
  • Adjusters can close claims 10% faster
  • Customer-designed tasks scheduled and auto executed
  • Electronic documents auto-routed to correct workflows
  • Workers’ comp bills auto-adjudicated to fee schedules and PPO networks
  • 32% of billing forms returned; 58% are never resubmitted
  • Workflow design customized for your business needs
  • Flexible, customizable SaaS system
  • No licenses or seat fees
  • Tracking, monitoring, and complying with state-mandated timeframes
  • Jurisdictional directives are continuously updated and applied
  • Seamless connections between disparate systems
  • Cybersecurity monitoring and protection
  • HIPPA compliant

Our flagship product, ClaimExpert, has revolutionized workflow management by automatically processing and routing most medical bills and other documents – based on configurable rules -freeing adjusters to focus on more complex decisions and reducing claim duration and costs.

PacketExpert combats the 33% duplication rate in business documentation by automating and streamlining the creation of outbound packets free of errors, duplicates, and headaches.

Our fully integrated clearinghouse solution streamlines the entire transaction process (allowing submitters, partners, and receivers to communicate electronically to process claims).

These solutions are complemented by our bill review, provider payment, and print-and-mail solutions. Plus, many customers “in-source” their mailroom to APS so we can open all incoming documents (paper mail, email, fax, SFTP, or any other digital files) scan, index, and route them, based on client-specific business rules.

APS has “curated” this suite of solutions to provide casualty claims management solutions from the incident through to the resolution.

After the whirlwind month of October, we’re a bit exhausted, but still excited to follow up with contacts we made at the NWCDC show. As we look forward to Thanksgiving, we are grateful for the opportunity to work with our customers and for the opportunities ahead in the coming year!

Learn more about APS at AdaptiveProcessing.com. If you’re interested in learning more about our solutions or have questions about a specific product, reach us at info@AdaptiveProcessing.com.

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