Dependents Filing Claims After San Bernardino Terror Attacks
January 14, 2025

san bernardino depot stationThe terrorist attack against employees at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, CA, resulted in a massive national conversation about privacy. Now it is also setting off a conversation about workers’ compensation. The people killed or injured that day were employees and were they at work when the attack occurred, so there are now workers’ compensation claims being filed.

California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) just filed a claim on behalf of Larry Daniel Kaufman, who was killed that day. His dependents are seeking $43,429.81 in expenses and $10,000 in damages. Kaufman was not actually an employee of San Bernardino county, he worked the coffee cart at the center and was a job coach at the center. The other people who were killed that day were employees for the county’s environmental health services division. They were at a training seminar in a large conference room at the center.

There were 14 people killed at the center that day and 22 injured. So far there have been eight claims filed against San Bernardino county, including the claim on behalf of Kaufman, and seven have been rejected. The seven rejected claims filed totaled $262 million. Three relatives of Sierra Clayborn, a victim of this attack, filed a claim for $68 million each. They claim negligence, wrongful death, and that the county fostered a hostile work environment. The widow of Michael Wetzel, another victim, filed four claims seeking losses and damages for herself and her three children. If the families so choose the deadline to file a lawsuit would be August 1st, says county spokesman David Wert. That date is six months from the time the claims were rejected back in February.

Wert said that the county counsel had not yet talked to SCIF about this latest claim.

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