Freeing Claims Adjusters to Do What They Do Best
March 28, 2025

In the overwhelming majority of workers’ compensation cases, there is one person whose role in the outcome of the case is more vital than anyone else’s. That person is the claims adjuster.

The best claims adjusters are intelligent, intuitive, and highly organized. They are also very likely to be bogged down by a pile of documents that must be reviewed for each claim.

Great claims adjusters can give experienced workers’ comp attorneys a run for their money regarding their knowledge of their state’s WC laws.

Like a skilled health practitioner, top claims adjusters have a high-level understanding of medical terms, treatments, and expected recovery outcomes for most injuries.

The adjuster compiles all the details of every claim, pouring over dozens (sometimes hundreds) of documents, including police reports, the statements of witnesses, and photographs of the scene of the incident and any property damage. Sometimes adjusters will interview the claimant and anyone else involved to get to the bottom of the case, much like a persistent and inquisitive private investigator.

Having read this description of a good claims adjuster, you may be surprised to learn that, despite their highly specialized knowledge, much of an adjuster’s time is spent on simple, routine, and error-prone tasks. In fact, the average WC claim adjuster is handling 130 open cases, reviewing 20 bills from six different providers per claim, and examining 20 additional documents per claim, all while keeping track of 7,800 CPT codes and 68,000 ICD-10 codes.

Imagine if there was a way to automate those time-consuming tasks so great adjusters can focus on doing what they do best.

Well, guess what? Acrometis has already developed a system that takes the pressure off adjusters by auto-adjudicating up to 65 percent of incoming documents (our system recognizes more than 130 form types). Our automated solutions prevent human error and reduce time-consuming tasks. Now, your adjusters can focus on high-level, skilled work.

Efficiencies gained through our systems give adjusters 40 percent more time in their day so they can get back to making the difficult decisions only an experienced adjuster can and close claims 10 percent faster. Our intelligent workflow systems reduce both the time spent on and the cost of claims management.

Whether your company is self-insured and self-administered, if you’re using a third-party administrator or a managed care organization, Acrometis offers a variety of solutions to automate and improve your operations and ensure success well into the future. Visit or call 1-855-282-1476 to find out how our expert claims processing system can maximize your cost savings while increasing your efficiency and productivity.

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