More OSHA Funding for Susan Harwood Training Grant Program
February 2, 2025

construction worker trainingThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced that they are making new grant funding available to nonprofit organizations as part of the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program. The program is named after Susan Harwood, who was the director of OSHA’s Office of Risk Assessment, and who helped create worker protection standards for blood borne pathogens, formaldehyde, benzene, asbestos, lead and cotton dust.

The program allocated $10.5 million in grant funds in 2015, and OSHA recently announced another round of $4.6 million in grant money to help workers in high-risk industries who may be underserved or who may have low literacy rates. The program provides training for workers and their employers in recognizing and preventing hazards at work, as well as educating them on worker’s rights and employer responsibilities. Since the program was founded over 2.1 million workers have received training and educational services.

There are two types of grants organizations can apply for. Targeted Topic Training Grants help organizations develop training programs and create educational materials for the purpose of identifying and preventing worksite hazards designated by OSHA.

Capacity Building grants can either help organizations create a safety and educational program, or they can help organizations improve or expand on their capacity to provide such training and programs. Organizations who apply for Capacity Building grants to provide safety training to workers must also submit financial plans to show the agency they can continue to provide the same level of training to their workers beyond the time their grant would allow for.

Nonprofit organizations like state colleges and universities, community programs, labor unions, employer associations, and others can apply for grants through the federal grant application site here. Applications need to be in by June 28, 2016 to be considered.

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