A drug manufacturer has issued a recall for a product used to administer the anti-overdose drug naloxone. Teleflex Medical issued the recall of their product, the MAD series nasal atomizer. The issue is not with the naloxone itself, but with the administering process.
This recall is nationwide, but particularly affects the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (MHAS) who distributed this product in some of their Project DAWN kits. Project DAWN is an overdose education and naloxone distribution program that hopes to help people recognize the symptoms of an overdose and understand the steps to take to prevent them. The kits are provided to public services and eligible individuals who are at-risk of an overdose and the kits contain two doses of naloxone. The kits may contain the recalled atomizers and the Ohio MHAS is asking those with Project DAWN kits or those who have purchased the device from a pharmacy to check the lot numbers, which are listed in the recall link below. The company says this could affect 66 batches that have been produced.
The atomizer was recalled because rather than deliver a spray of the antidote nasally; the atomizers deliver the drug in a stream which means it might not be as effective. There is less absorption that way. Naloxone is not harmful if a person takes it and is not overdosing, and it will prevent an overdose in someone who is. It does not work with alcohol, cocaine, or other non-opioid drugs.
Read the more about the recall here to and get more information about returning faulty products. Before discarding medication make sure you check the lot numbers because not all nasal atomizers are part of this recall.
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