New PacketExpert User Guide Makes It Simple to Maximize the Value of the Most Powerful Packet Generation Tool on the Market
March 24, 2025

Adaptive Process Solutions (APS) has just released a new User Guide for its groundbreaking packet generation tool, PacketExpert, making it easier than ever for users to utilize the solution to automate packet creation and accurately detect duplication of documents.

PacketExpert maximizes efficiency and accuracy as it speeds packet creation while employing a breakthrough algorithm designed to minimize the 32 percent rate of duplication in business documents.

The PacketExpert User Guide walks new users through the use of the system from login to document upload, customization, and packet creation with step-by-step instructions and screenshots of what users see as they use the solution.

The user manual guides users through the simple document intake process, where they are prompted to select files with a few clicks and then enter some simple responses. Behind the scenes, this triggers the system to apply page tags and automatically apply client-directed include/exclude page rules with 80- to 99.9-percent confidence at the document and page level.

PacketExpert allows for manual validation and review before final packet delivery. The PacketExpert User Guide demonstrates how users can generate customizable finalized packets, which are exported into a searchable PDF format with a hyperlinked table of contents and bookmark features.

Once a user has harnessed the power of PacketExpert to automatically generate a duplicate-free, customized packet, the User Guide provides instructions for sharing the final packet. PacketExpert’s E-link functionality allows the user to email the final pdf to a third party via a secure link. The User Guide also demonstrates how to generate comprehensive customized reports.

This training and reference guide from APS is designed to empower PacketExpert users to get the most value from this unique solution. Should users encounter an issue they are not able to troubleshoot using the guide, it provides guidance on getting support provided by APS via ticket submission.

APS initially introduced PacketExpert to the workers’ compensation claims processing industry, where it was greeted with great enthusiasm. In 2017, PacketExpert was named “New Product of the Year” by the Business Intelligence Group and demand began to pour in from medical and legal firms with the need to save time and expense.

To learn more about PacketExpert or to request a demonstration call (855) 282-1476 or click here.

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