Setting Up Your At-Home Workspace for (Ergonomic) Success
February 23, 2025

Now that a majority of the workforce is working from home, many workers may be faced with trying to set up a workspace in an area that was not really meant for one. There are a few tips from SFM on setting up a workspace in a way that allows employees to work safely and comfortably.

Set up your desk to support a neutral posture. Find a chair that supports your back and positions you with at least a 90-degree angle at your hips. Though your couch might be comfortable, over time that position may leave you in discomfort. If you can, try to use a table or other surface that allows you to maintain a 90-degree angle at your elbows.

Beyond your seating arrangement, using a laptop may also become a factor in comfortably working from home long-term. Using a separate keyboard, mouse and monitor can help with hand and wrist posture as well as head and neck posture. If you continue to use a laptop screen and not a separate monitor, angle the screen so that you can still view it while keeping your neck in neutral alignment.

Plan for frequent postural breaks and position changes throughout the course of the day to give your muscles a break. If time allows take a couple of 10-minute walks (keeping a safe distance from others).

If you’re using your phone often while working from home, try to use a headset or speaker to prevent neck strain and try to avoid cradling your phone between your shoulder and your head.

Another important thing to remember about working from home is the environment beyond your desk set-up. Make sure you have cleared tripping hazards, and have enough light to avoid strain. If possible ensure your environment is relatively noise free and private so that you can work securely and focus.

These are interesting times we are living in, it’s also important to remember that the people you’re working with are going through it as well. We’ll make it through this!


Read more from SFM here and check out their “Ergonomic Workstation” handout here.

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