Short on Staff? This Solution Automates Packet Assembly Without Errors and Duplicates!
March 28, 2025

If your company is having a difficult time filling open positions that are desperately needed, you’re not alone. Since spring 2021, when the economy began to emerge from its COVID-induced slumber and company demand for people rose, the Great Resignation has plagued the U.S. labor market with as many as 44-percent of employees characterizing themselves as “job seekers.”

Many employers in the workers’ compensation, medical, and legal industries with the need to assemble packets in document formats ranging from IMEs, PEER Review, Legal, MSA, etc. are feeling the pinch as this tedious manual process eats up their staff’s time.

Fortunately, another trend has emerged as quickly as the labor shortage has – automation. PACKETExpert was designed to automate the creation of precise outbound packets while controlling the inclusion of duplicate documents and unnecessary page content.

Acrometis initially introduced PACKETExpert to the workers’ compensation claims processing industry, where it was greeted with great enthusiasm. In 2017, PACKETExpert was named “New Product of the Year” by the Business Intelligence Group and demand began to pour in from medical and legal firms with the need to save time and expense.

PACKETExpert maximizes efficiency and accuracy as it speeds packet creation while employing a breakthrough algorithm designed to minimize the 32 percent rate of duplication in business documents.

PACKETExpert starts with document intake, where the system applies page tags and automatically applies client-directed include/exclude page rules with 80- to 99.9-percent confidence at the document and page level. The system allows for manual validation and review before final packet delivery. Finalized packets are then exported into a searchable PDF format with a hyperlinked table of contents and bookmark features. PACKETEpert also provides an Electronic Link feature that allows the user to send a secure link to an internal or external recipient to download and view the packet. Comprehensive and customized report generation is also available.

At this point, the wheels in your mind are turning, imagining the savings that come with efficient and accurate automated packet assembly. Rather than trying to fill open positions, put PACKETExpert to work for you and free up your remaining staff for other vital tasks that have been neglected for too long.

To learn more about PACKETExpert or to request a demonstration call (855) 282-1476 or visit

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