Star Adjuster- Laura Laimond
February 23, 2025

Laura LaimondOur “Star Adjuster” nominees continue to surprise and impress us with the hard work and dedication that we have found claims adjusters are capable of. We love reading about the enthusiastic and quality adjusters you work with. Keep the nominations coming by submitting a form on our Y.O.T.A section of WCInsights. Make sure to grab a complimentary copy of our infographic to feature in your office or share with your friends as well, and while you’re there submit your tips for other adjusters!

Our next nominee comes to us from Sedgwick. Veteran Laura Laimond has been a Claims Consultant for 25 years! She was recognized by her nominator for being a team player and treating the customers as well as she would want to be treated. Working from home has given her the flexibility and time she needs to focus and get the job done. She wants to do right by the insurer and the injured worker and does a great job for both sides.

WCInsights- Your nominator mentioned your team-player mentality and outstanding treatment of customers. Could you expand on that?

LL- Communication is the key to the success of early intervention on claims and to ensure a great outcome. Regis (the account she is currently on) relies on my claims handling experience with a broad knowledge of California laws and professionalism. I am extremely proactive and work closely with Regis, doctors and nurse case managers to ensure prompt return to work. I provide timely benefits to the injured workers’ while also providing the customer service to Regis. I respond to emails and phone calls within 24 hours.  I have been adjusting claims for Regis for almost 9 years and have developed a great rapport.

WCInsights- What is the most rewarding part of being an adjuster?

LL- We are all faced with different challenges-whether it be our jurisdiction or with the differences with each new claim. This makes my job rewarding as it is never boring. I have great satisfaction when I can assist an injured worker to achieve their goal of return to work and MMI status.  Having 25 years of experience, I am able to benefit the employer and the account in identifying those claims that I feel may be questionable or fraudulent.

WCInsights- What is something that makes your job easier?

LL- The management team at Regis is extremely proactive. Because of this I am able to make timely claims decisions, as well as ensure that timely benefits are paid.

WCInsights- What is something you personally do that you think makes the job better for you?

LL-I am able to work from home. This is a great benefit to me, as it allows me to focus on the job at hand and have great time management skills.

I have not always worked from home and I do miss the office environment, the people and commiserating with them. However I still have a social network for round tabling, etc. I have been able to work from home for the past 7 and a half years and I have found it really provides me greater benefits to get the job done.

WCInsights- How do you stay on top of claims? If you had more time in your workday, what kinds of things would you be able to do?

LL- I am confident in what I do, I set diaries and ensure that they are completed timely to ensure that the claim is moving along, and I am able to work independently with little to no supervision. I also use my time wisely and have developed great organizational skills. I actually am satisfied with the time in my workday; I find that I successfully complete all my tasks.

WCInsights- Could you share a story of getting an injured worker back to work that had an impact on you?

LL- Regis had a claim where the employee was standing at her work station at a salon when a car came crashing through the salon, hitting and pinning the employee against her station and the car. Luckily she did not suffer serious harm. We were able to work with the doctors in order to get her back to modified duties and she is nearing MMI (maximum medical improvement) status.

WCInsights- What’s one tip that you could offer to other adjusters?

LL- Be proactive rather than reactive. Respond to your customers and injured workers in a timely fashion. We are all one team and need to work together to ensure the best outcome for all!

Thanks Laura!

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